
To Pass A Cardiac Stress Test, Remember These Easy Tips

By Edward Fox

During physical activity, the way the heart works can provide clues on a person's risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. Monitoring of such can be carried out in a clinical setting by means of what's known as a cardiac stress test. Also sometimes referred to as an exercise stress test, it involves the use of a treadmill or at times a stationary bicycle while the person is hooked up to a blood pressure monitoring apparatus and an electrocardiogram or ECG machine. In some cases, ultrasound imaging is also used.

If an individual fails this diagnostic procedure, it often suggests that he or she is at risk of developing cardiovascular disease sooner or later. Needless to say, passing it means that the heart is in a great shape. A few months before undergoing it, there are a few things that a person may do in order to pass the test trouble-free.

If you are a smoker, it's a wise move to ditch cigarette smoking right now. Heart disease risk factors come aplenty, and there are modifiable as well as non-modifiable ones. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor that you can do something about. It's not just your circulatory system that's in danger because of smoking, but also your respiratory system. Other health nightmares associated with smoking include stroke, many types of cancer, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

Make sure that you drink alcohol moderately. Studies say that there are actually many health benefits that come with moderate intake of alcohol. Needless to say, it's a different picture if it is consumed excessively. In order to keep your circulatory system safe, stick to 1 glass of alcohol a day if you're a woman or take no more than 2 glasses a day if you're a man. Experts say you should consider going for antioxidant-rich red wine for best results.

Exercising on a regular basis is of utmost importance. Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, bicycling and dancing help strengthen the entire cardiovascular system. At least 5 times a week, health authorities say that a person should exercise for not less than 20 minutes. However, someone who has a medical condition should first consult his or her doctor before starting an exercise regimen.

Watching everything that goes into your mouth is very important. Feel free to add lots of fresh fruits and veggies to your everyday meals. On the other hand, you should considerably limit your intake of anything that's rich in saturated fat, bad cholesterol and sodium.

It's a great idea for you to also consume foods loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Cardiologists confirm that you can keep your heart as well as arteries safeguarded with the help of omega-3 fatty acids. In order for your body to be supplied with lots of these beneficial nutrients, remember to add nuts, seeds, fish, avocados and olive oil to your diet.

See to it that you deal with high levels of stress without delay. Being stressed constantly, according to health authorities, has an unfavorable effect on your blood pressure and also cholesterol levels. That is why you should regularly partake in various stress-busting habits. Every night, do your best to obtain 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

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